Undergraduate RSO (Open Membership) - Academic, Career & Professional, Special Interest & Hobbies
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Mission The mission of Duke Aviators is to (1) share a passion for flight with the Duke University and greater Durham community through unique aviation experiences, (2) introduce students to the fundamentals of flying and the general Private Pilot training process, (3) construct and oversee a flight simulator for educational purposes open to the greater Duke community, and (4) explore the Durham Aviation community by coordinating guest speakers and attending local aviation events.Join our Slack to get involved: https://join.slack.com/t/dukeaviators/shared_invite/zt-2pm61348g-xMlJb4Q1zeLNSSv8V5USFAReach out to any of the listed officers or on Instagram @dukeaviators to get involved!
Membership BenefitsMembers can attend weekly meetings to meet other aviation enthusiasts, work on construction, operation, and oversight of our campus flight simulator, attend local airshows and other aviation-related events, and learn more about the aviation field.
Lifetime membership