Duke Collegiate 100 Black Men

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us


The Collegiate 100 chapter at Duke University aims to provide an avenue for 100 Black Men of America, Inc. chapters to continue their one-on-one and group mentoring to students as they matriculate from high school to college; thereby supporting the Mentoring The 100 Way Across a Lifetime initiatives. Members of the Collegiate 100 will assist the local 100 Black Men Chapter (Sponsoring Chapter) with its programmatic initiatives that support the development of social, emotional, educational, and physical needs of youth who have few or no positive role models in the communities in which they live. The Collegiate 100 chapter at Duke embodies this mission by spearheading community service initiatives, bringing guest speakers to campus, and providing other educational resources and opportunities to both club members and general members of the Duke community. Additionally, the organization hosts frequent member meetings, game nights, cookouts, watch parties, and other social events.

Outside of carrying-out the objectives of 100 Black Men of America Inc., the Collegiate 100 chapter at Duke University aims to unify the black men on campus in both the undergraduate and graduate schools.









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Joshua Salaam Profile

Joshua Salaam

Faculty Advisor
Matthew Brathwaite Profile

Matthew Brathwaite

Marcus Roberts Profile

Marcus Roberts

Senior Advisor
Salim Hasanin Profile

Salim Hasanin

Franck Djidjeu Profile

Franck Djidjeu

Demetrist Booker Profile

Demetrist Booker

Jaden Small Profile

Jaden Small

Director of Recruiting
Edwin Maore Profile

Edwin Maore

Director of Community Service
Justin Smith Profile

Justin Smith

Chief Information Officer


Duke Collegiate 100 Black Men

Durham NC 27708
United States