Undergraduate RSO (Open Membership) - Academic, Career & Professional, Cultural & Identity, Environmental, Science, & Technology, Service & Social Action, Health & Wellness, Special Interest & Hobbies, International
Website Mission
Contact: Michael Wang
Mission MEDLIFE stands for Medicine, Education, and Development for Low-Income familiesEverywhere. Our mission is to help families achieve greater freedom from the constraints ofpoverty, empowering them to live healthier lives. Our patients did not choose to be poor, butthey have chosen to strive towards a better life; MEDLIFE stands beside them in this pursuit.We aim to achieve this goal by partnering with motivated individuals in poorcommunities working to improve their access to MEDs: Medicine, Education, andCommunity Development. MEDLIFE believes access to quality healthcare is a basic humanright. To this end, we commit our time, resources, and knowledge to bring Medicine,Education, and Development to Low Income Families everywhere.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership