Duke Pre-Dental Society

About US

The Duke Pre-Dental Society aims to fill the absence of resources available to Duke undergraduates who are interested in or considering a career in Dentistry. Career choices include, but are not limited to the traditional private practice, consultation dentistry, specialties in dentistry (i.e. endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, etc), dental research and industry, public dental health, dental hygiene, dental assisting, academic dentistry and military dentistry.

Our Team

Alejandra Mella-Velazquez '24


Nina Dao '25


Didi Mesfin '24


Annie Qin '25

Service Chair

Sonia Gazula '24

Publicity Chair

Dr. Martha Ann Keels

Pre-Dental Advisor

Dr. Keels graduated from Duke University with a B.A. in Chemistry. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry with a DDS, she continued on to complete specialty training at UNC with a certificate in Pediatric Dentistry. During her residency, Dr. Keels received the prestigious Dentist-Scientist Award from the NIH, which allowed her to complete a PhD in epidemiology – with a focus on the causes of craniofacial birth defects.

One of her professional dreams in dental school was to start a pediatric dental program at Duke Children's Hospital to serve children with special health care needs. After volunteering in Duke Hospital for 4 years, she was the first pediatric dentist to get privileges at Duke in 1986. Over the past 30 years, her clinical practice has been affiliated with Duke Children's Hospital through a variety of different business models. As of 2016, Duke Street Pediatric Dentistry is affiliated with Duke Health System via a contractual arrangement. Dr. Keels is also a provider within the Duke entity called Duke Oral Health, bringing together Duke Affiliated Specialists in Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics and Endodontics to provide comprehensive dental care for Duke's special patients.

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Meeting new students with shared interest

E: dukepredentalsociety@gmail.com

Duke Pre-Dental Society

Durham, NC, 27708
United States