Thu, Apr 17, 2025

5 PM – 7 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Duke Forest, Gate C

36°00’44.5″N 78°58’25.5″W, Durham, NC 27705, United States

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In this workshop, participants will explore the beauty of the plants, bugs, and surroundings of the Duke Forest, and learn to document their observations in words and sketches. Whether you are a budding bird or bug watcher, seasoned nature lover, or have never given a thought to keeping a nature journal, The Art of Noticing workshop will help you hone skills to become a careful observer to the natural world. Workshop leaders will guide you through a hands on experience in both plein air sketching and nature journaling, and hopefully set you off on a journey to a new way of noticing the world around you beyond Duke Forest. All attendees will receive a field note book to use and take home.

*This is a community workshop open to all.


Duke Forest, Gate C

36°00’44.5″N 78°58’25.5″W, Durham, NC 27705, United States

Hosted By

Duke Arts Create | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Duke Campus Farm

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