Duke Bar Association

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

DBA is unique in that it is both a university student government and a professional bar association. As such, DBA performs a variety of functions at the law school, including promoting the student body's academic and professional growth, providing opportunities to strengthen the social and intellectual community at the school, and representing the student body to the Law School, the legal profession, and the greater Durham community. One of the DBA's most significant functions is overseeing the majority of Duke Law's student clubs and organizations. DBA provides assistance and funding to groups looking to hold events, from lunchtime talks to professional symposia. DBA also charters new student groups, to meet the changing needs and interests of the student body. The efforts of student groups are supplemented by DBA's own activities and programs, including athletic leagues, social events, and student fellowships. DBA also functions as the liaison between students, faculty, and the administration. To that end, DBA sends student representatives to every major faculty committee at Duke Law, including the Admissions, Faculty Appointments, and Planning and Curriculum Committees. This ensures that students are central to all major decisions at Duke Law, from faculty hires to grading system changes. DBA also sends representatives to the Law Student Division of the American Bar Association, and to Duke's Graduate and Professional Student Council.









Members Benefits

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Events & Activities

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Lewis Hutchison Profile

Lewis Hutchison

Advisor (Faculty/Staff)


Duke Bar Association

Durham NC 27708
United States