Capital Expenditure Fund:
Operational Expenditure Fund:
Student organizations are in charge of the upkeep and maintenance of the items funded through the Operational and Capital Fund. Students must keep these items for at least 4 years before requesting a replacement or upgrade. Although there are no set caps for how much a group can request through the OCF, approved funding is determined at SOFC’s discretion, once a semester.
How to Apply
Before applying for the Operational and Capital Fund, groups are encouraged to verify their account balance.
● How to find account balance on Dukegroups:
○ Navigate to your group’s page on DukeGroups
○ On the left-hand bar, select the “Money” function
Please note, moving forward, no SOFC funds should remain in your account unused and should be returned to SOFC is not used for the purpose you requested.
To apply, there are two main steps:
💡 DukeGroups Application: This virtual application will allow you to explain in AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE the line you are requesting fund for and provide other important information.
📢 Hearing: After you submit your application, SOFC will reach out to you to schedule a hearing with our committee to further discuss your application. Be prepared to answer questions about your application and specific line items!
OCF Policies
If your group is within its first year of operation, you are limited to $1000 of OCF funding.
Student Travel
General Body Meetings
Reusable Items
Digital Costs
National Organization Dues
Conference Registration Fees
Not Funded